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~Seek first to understand, then be understood~
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I have a "friend" who shows up once a month. She turns my world upside down, over and over again.
I am a good person, caring and sweet, but when she comes to visit, I could rip off your head.
She takes no prisoners, foul words she does spout, I try to keep the words in, she lets them come out.
People don't understand me, or what this is about, to have this creature inside my head.
I despise who I am, half of the time, I feel sorry for my daughter, family and friends.
There's no way to describe it, for those who don't know, it's a living nightmare, she really needs to go.
~Neysia Manor, Rest in Peace

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Friends and Family Guide to PMDD -- Things NOT to Say

The following guest post was written by the blogger Cheekyminx. With her permission, several of her posts about PMDD are being featured on this blog. To find out more about her work as a PMDD Advocate, please visit her Facebook page, PMDD Life Support.
This post is for friends and family who want to be supportive of a woman with #PMDD. Here, we've covered things you should NEVER say, out of compassion. No doubt many of you may feel that it doesn’t matter what you say; it’s going to be wrong.
Sure enough, a couple of women responded to our question about what not to say by affirming that everything ticks them off at certain times of the month, so for some of you, your feelings may be justified.
Still, certain words can be hurtful, or even triggering, for a woman grappling with PMDD, whether or not she’s having symptoms. We don’t want to be stigmatized when we’re feeling good nor punched when we’re already down. While it is true that ultimately, our responses to any comments are our responsibility, not yours, those of you wanting to be more understanding towards us might want to abstain from the following phrases.
Once again, we asked women on various PMDD forums for their input. Once again, many of them reported very similar comments as annoying, offensive, or triggering. We’ve analyzed and categorized them to show the types of comments that are counterproductive; there could be many more variations under each heading. Statements in parentheses represent the internal thoughts shared by women on the forums. Depending on how these comments are delivered (and the level of your frustration when delivering them!), they can simply be insensitive or invalidating, or downright cruel and abusive. Do any of these sound like you sometimes?

Self-Anointed Diagnostician
“Is your PMDD here again?” or “Are you on your period?” (as if that explains away legitimate complaints)
“Is it that time again?”
“You must be: bi-polar, borderline, psycho, sick…” or “You need: professional help/to be committed.”
“Oh!!! You got your period then??”
“You are: crazy,  mental, nuts…”
“Did you take your tablets today?” or “Have you taken your meds? Maybe you should take 2!”

Just Get Over It
“Calm down!” or “Just control it!” or “Relax.”
“Your being dramatic; it’s not that big a deal,” or “You’re overreacting,” or “You’re just PMS-ing.”
“You’re so problematic… Why don’t you control yourself?”
“You’re being ridiculous! Are you mad?”
“Be rational. It doesn’t make sense to get so upset over something so small.”
“Stop bitching,” or “Stop being a bitch,” or “Just stop!”
“It will pass.” (Yes, I know. But right now, I need understanding. I feel like shit!)

Now What?
“What is wrong with you now?” or “What’s wrong now?”
“You were fine a few minutes ago,” or “Suddenly you’re in a bad mood?”
“Christ, here we go again!”
"Great. Now what are we supposed to do?"

Please Explain the Inexplicable
 “Why are you: depressed, sad, angry, mad…?”
“Is everything okay?”
“Why can’t you explain what’s wrong?”
“Are you mad at me?” (if only it was as simple as being “mad at you”)

Just Harsh
 “Same old excuse!”
“PMDD isn’t legitimate.”
“You are possessed!”
“You’re just lazy.”
“I can’t stand to be around you,” or “I can’t stand you when you’re like this.” (Great, that makes two of us!)

As I’ve said before, each of us is unique, so use this list to start a conversation with your partner/friend/sibling/daughter/girlfriend/wife during the good days. This way, when the bad days roll around, everyone is prepared…well, as prepared as possible anyway.
In summary, please don’t tell us to “calm down”, “get over it”, or “cheer up”. You’ll only be asking for a fight. If we could calm down and get over it, we’d already be calmed down and over it. Please do not call us “mental” or “crazy” or any other derogatory term related to our mental health. And for God’s sake, do not go around diagnosing us with mental disorders we don’t have. We may very well be acting like we’re nuts, but believe me…we are aware of this and DON’T need the reminder.
Finally, remember that we’re human. And like all humans, we still get angry and have a full range of emotions even when we don’t have PMDD. So please don’t blame everything on PMDD. We can’t. You shouldn’t be allowed to either. .
So, what do you think? Have we got it covered or is there something YOU would like to never hear again?

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